“adj” for adjective, “adv” for adverb, “int” for interjection, “n” for noun, “pl” for plural, “pred” for predicate, “pref” for prefix, “prep” for preposition, “pron” for pronoun, “proper n” for proper noun, “suff” for suffix, “v” for verb
adlishar, adj: first among many; the title of the community leader of Zerthadlun
A'jak'nir, proper n: the title for the quartermaster of the creche in Baldur's Gate 3
Akma’ad, proper n: a small githzerai monastery on the Material Plane
Alazerth, proper n: title for high-ranking zerth in the Eberron Campaign Setting
Anithor, proper n: name of the ancient capital of the gith empire of Zarum; archaic and included only for completeness
Arsanith, proper n: a legendary monastery for the most enlightened githzerai
astraan, n: githyanki mage skilled in psionics and manipulation of the Astral Plane
Baht t’Vlaakith, proper n: Sister of Vlaakith
b’kallash, adj: an astral dreadnought infused with the traits of red dragons, created by Vlaakith
Cev’ren, proper n: a githyanki astral ship
Chanhiir, proper n: as in the “Fane of Chanhiir,” a githyanki temple holding connections to the Astral Plane
ch'r'ai, n: faithful; a group of inquisitors perfectly faithful to Vlaakith
chraith, n: enemy
chyrki, v: “come to me”
draa, n: (red) dragon
draa’zvir, n: dragon’s breath
duthka’gith, n: githyanki with red dragon blood; one of Vlaakith’s experiments
Duthka’ariy, proper n: manifestation of a draconic bloodline in githyanki sorcerers (red dragons)
Eri’in, proper n: a githyanki hymn
Finithamon, proper n: a githzerai monastery
Galnaki, proper n: a githyanki city
ga’varsh, n: teacher of languages
gh’ath, n: ship, nautiloid
ghaik, n: illithids/mind flayers
g'hel, n: brain
g’hel’zhor, n: brain fire
ghustil, n: healer; a profession of science and magic, more generally
g’lathk, n: farmer
g’lyck, int: an expression similar in meaning to a sigh
gi', pref: student of
gish, n: skilled; githyanki fighter/mages
gish’kith’arak, n: captains among githyanki fighter/mages
gish’ra, n: skilled; githyanki monks in Orpheus’ honor guard (Baldur's Gate 3)
gish’sarath, n: sword master, literally “skilled sergeant;” next step up of “gish”
gith’attala, n: cousin hunters; dedicated githzerai who kill githyanki that present a threat to githzerai
Githmir, proper n: a city of commerce
githvyrik, n: splinter group of gith who consider themselves neither githyanki nor githzerai
githyanki, pl n: literally "children of Gith"
githzerai, pl n: those who spurn Gith
Git’riban, proper n: githyanki neighborhood in the city of Sigil; also “Githariban”
gul’othran, n: sect of aberrant fighters and conquerors
hanathka’duth, n: riding mount, half-red-dragon and half-theropod dinosaur
hshar'lak, n: “a traitor who should be hunted on sight” or “unforgiveable”
htak'a, v, int: attack
hta'zith, v, int: die (creature)
hr'a'cknir, n: seer/energy collector caste; mages
hrath ajak, n: a style of fighting practiced in Creche K’liir
ir, n: pain, agony
ir’mlar, n: pain maker/artist; wizard artisan who made Ir’revrykal
Ir'revrykal, n: pain servant; the name of an evil greatsword
ir'zharn, v: recall agony
is’lak, n: harlot
is’tark, n: coward
istik, n: used to refer to non-githyanki
jez'rathki, n: seeping through the cracks; a term that referred to the plane shift spell as used innately by githyanki.
jhe'quith dvenzir, n: “the termination of the frail;” killing of weak children in githyanki creches
jhe'stil, n: “supreme”; more generally, a superior
J’ryn’zalas, proper n: a military fortress in Tu’narath
kain’cha, adj or int: disgusting
kainchi, probably adj: a derogatory term, referring to someone writing heretical words
kainyank, n: a derogatory term, “cursed one” or “cursed child”
kajorr, n: master; warlock equivalent in rank to a sarth
Kalach’cha, proper n: “shard-bearer"
Kamyn’dhun, proper n: Astral Plane city which once forged silver swords, until it was destroyed by teleport onto the Material Plane
Kaoulgrim, proper n: githyanki-bred psionic dogs; bulky, large, and fluffy
karach, n: “chaos matter;” the substance that is used to forge blades shaped by willpower for githzerai zerths
Kar’ka Dun, proper n: An astral mote that may have been the site of the first githyanki landing the Astral Sea. Legend has it that Gith ordered the site as a peaceful meeting place for the githyanki and githzerai.
Kark’din, proper n: “Low Sanctuary;” githzerai enclave on the Material Plane
Karokrath, proper n: githzerai settlement in Faerûn
Katal Hazath, proper n: githyanki settlement in Eberron, positioned over a network of tunnels into the underworld
k'chakhi, n: idiot
kith'rak, n: captain; highest rank of warrior (plural kith’raki)
kiir'vrahc, n: betrayer, traitor; common term for githzerai
K’liir, proper n: a creche located on an asteroid in the Tears of Selunê, also called Stardock (Mehiluum in Deep Speech)
K’radystar, proper n: the “Citadel of the Mind’s Eye,” the college of hr’a’cknir in Tu’narath
Krak'jthak, proper n: a "powerful" name suggested by Lae'zel for a pet cat.
Kran’i’toc, proper n: the “Citadel of the War Magi,” the college of magic (warlocks and gish) in Tu’narath
kra’tha, n: victory
Krr’a’gith’farak, proper n: “the kingdom of Gith on solid ground;” a hypothetical kingdom that Vlaakith would found during an invasion of the Material Plane (Dragon magazine #309)
kr'y'izoth, n: an undead warlock raised by and in service to Vlaakith
lakzerai, n: he who spurned his people; referring to Orpheus
lash’a’kla, int: “Make me pure;” an exclamation in combat related to healing a fellow warrior.
mir'r'tal, unknown: password to enter Vlaakith’s library
mirhanac, v: crystallize, petrify
Mla'ghir, n: liberator
mlar, n: artist; architect/engineer caste
nai, int: no
ne’voocrim, probably noun: insulting term
nil’ghar, n: landlord
nir'tl'a, n: silver sword
or’mlar, n: an alliance of m’lar (as a guild)
parrak, n: “servant” and “master;” name for the cranium rat exterminators of the city of Sigil
pa'vrylk, v: stop (imperative mood)
qua’nith, n: psionic device used to detect the approach of githyanki
ra’stil, n: ally
revrykal, n: servant
rrakkma, n: “vengeance band,” a term used among githzerai to refer to illithid hunting parties
rrathmal, n: member of a rrakkma
Ruun’khazai, proper n: "gray-stone hand;" a citadel on the Astral Sea
rzydu’un, n: ectoplasmic blast
Sanzerthad, proper n: a small githzerai settlement in the Elemental Chaos
sarth, n: sergeant; common warrior
sa'varsh, n: teacher, instructor
senja’si, n: seer; hr'a'cknir diviners/clairvoyants
Sha’sal Khou, proper n: faction of githyanki and githzerai who wish to see their species reunited
she'lak, n: "idealist do-gooder" or “benevolent burden"
Sheth’maal, proper n: githzerai monastery invaded by the githyanki
shka'keth, n: a derogatory term (“asshole”)
shkath zai, int: "for honor” (greeting)
Shra’kt’lor, proper n: traditional capital city of the githzerai in Limbo
shu'kyani, n: egg layer; refers to githyanki chosen by Vlaakith to bear children
Skelzerann, proper n: The major githyanki shipyard
storvakal, n: “support of nature;” a monastic githzerai path to encourage harmony of the inner self with the outer world
Szarkel, proper n: githzerai-bred psionic dogs; long, sleek, mild polymorph ability
tas’ki, int: an expression of irritation
tchak’i, int: come
terrth, n: military rank, fortress commander
tir, n: githyanki language
tir'su, n: written githyanki language; literally "words of tir"
tl'a, n: sword
tlai’kajorr, n: grand master; warlock commanding other warlocks
tl'a'ikith, n: sword spirit; specifically, a type of undead githyanki knight that remains connected to its silver sword after death and persists in the Astral Sea
Tla’ket, proper n: name for a meditative phrase (Vlaakith tavki na’zin)
T’lak’ma Ghir, proper n: Sister in Freedom
T’nek’ris, proper n: a githyanki city
Tor Nav’roc, proper n: Possibly “The Place of Wind,” a citadel on the Astral Sea destroyed by a psurlon attack
toruun, n: theft
t'rac, n: insanity
tsk'va, n: an expletive, referencing a disgusting substance.
Tu’narath, proper n: the capital city of the githyanki, built on the body of a dead god (The One in the Void); also known as the City of Death
uluriak, n: tunnels
umitl'a'ikith, n: touch of the sword spirit; the description of a githyanki barbarian’s rage ability
Utargaraith, proper n: “Garaitha’s anvil,” githyanki astral shipyard
vah'k'rel, n: star lancer; a celestial creature from the Astral Sea used by the githyanki as mounts
var'th'n, n: collector; hr'a'cknir energy collectors that gather energy for mlar; work on astral ships
varsh, n: caretaker of eggs and young githyanki in a creche
varsh’isk, n: the technical term for a hatchery or creche
vin'iisk, n: minion or underling
Vlaakith, n: death; the name of the lich-queen
Xamvadi’m, proper n: githyanki city
xan, n: freedom
yank, n: child
Yathazor, proper n: an ancient githyanki city lost on the planar-locked world of Athas
Y'llek, proper n: a creche located on the Storm Coast of Faerûn
y'rn, n: transporter, teleporter
zac’r’lev, unknown: the password to enter the chamber containing Vlaakith’s phylactery
zanhkor, n: exit
zaith'isk, n: purifier; a device used to remove mind flayer parasites from infected githyanki
Zarum, proper n: speculated to be the pre-illithid-invasion empire of the ancient gith
zech, v: wait
Zerthadlun, proper n: most famous monastery of the githzerai
Zertherun IV, proper n: A githzerai ship in the Eberron Campaign Setting
zerthi, n: "Zerth's teaching” (also zerthin; may be teachings if the -i as plural holds here); a monastic art involving manipulation of time
zhak vo'n'ash duj, n: source of my bruises (affectionate)
zhak vo'n'fynh duj, n: source of my joy
zharn, v: remember
zhor, n: fire; also zor
zoth, n: warlock
Zulkolosz, proper n: astral mote that serves as a githyanki pirate outpost
Zuokelled, proper n: Githzerai monastery in Eberron
zvir, n: breath
z’zish, n: flame
Note on phrases: All but four known phrases come from Baldur’s Gate 3. The ones that come from different sources have been marked. BG3 is the primary source of spoken Tir, and it’s VERY consistently handled in the game, so the vast majority of grammar I use in translation comes from BG3. More non-BG3 phrases would complicate the matter significantly.
Ba nazin: I seek truth.
Ch’k’l ghaik Vlaakith m’zath’ak: Mind flayer—abomination to Vlaakith
Ch'mar, zal'a Vlaakith: "Vlaakith's will above all"
Ch’mar, zal’a Orpheus! Mha stil’na forjun inyeri!: Orpheus’ will above all! May the Comet blaze my path forward!
chraith’kan zharn: may your enemies remember you
Danaav'ae-kaa an-talman'ukha: You have become one of us
Fagh wo'h chox, kainyank: Fuck off, cursed one
Gath-kaa du'shakhut ka-Gith'shai: You fight with the fury of Gith herself
Girtar’rac neh toruun: One theft consumes all
G’’lth na dok: translation unknown, spoken by a githyanki freed from a soul prison before initiating combat
Hta’lak k’rith ma’har: Die, treacherous scum!
La'ch cras'ht h'mak vlek: translation unknown. Spoken by Orpheus in context of the beginning of the revolution against Vlaakith.
Orpheus tav’ki na’zin: Orpheus, show us truth
[Thank you], ra’stil. Raz’erai’ka tavkim krash’ht: [Thank you], ally. [unknown subject] will be free/will see the truth.
Sarevok'cha tsk'in'va: Sarevok can eat shit
Sha'vah Orpheus!: Hail Orpheus!
Sha va zai: I love you
Ska’kek kir Gith shabell’eth: The word of Gith be present.
Tla tavki: “Spirits guide me.”
Tl'a'vlaakith, chyrki. Tl'a'vlaakith, tavki. Tl'a'vlaakith, lash'a'kla: loosely “sword of Vlaakith, come to me. Sword of Vlaakith, light (or truth). Sword of Vlaakith, make me pure.”
Vlaakith, ba na’zin. Vlaakith, ik sa’ith. Vlaakith, tri na’sa’zhi: Vlaakith, I seek truth. Vlaakith, grant me entry. Vlaakith, ascend me.
Vlaakith gha'g shkath zai: “For the honor of Vlaakith!”
Vlaakith'ka sivim hrath krash'ht: “Only in Vlaakith may we find light.”
Vlaakith m’zath’ak, isk’a’zaith: Abomination to Vlaakith, be purified!
Vlaakith tav’ki nazin: Vlaakith, show us truth
Yisk Gith’ka tavki krash’ht: the githyanki will be free [said as a general statement]
Zr’kiil mah di r’ak’la Gith: In Gith’s name, we shall conquer all
Not a complete list of all publications involving the githyanki, just ones that provide words that contributed to this dictionary. For the full list, see this page.